Argumentation Sheet

Argumentation Sheet 2023-08-11

Argumentation Sheet Description
"Argumentation Sheet" is a classroom strategy designed to help students develop and refine their skills in constructing, presenting, and evaluating persuasive arguments. It pairs with "Rebuttal Battle " and is particularly valuable in teaching students how to engage in constructive debate and produce effective argumentative writing. This strategy focuses on encouraging students to not only articulate their own positions, but also to consider and respond to opposing viewpoints. The "Argumentation Sheet" entails:
  • Stance: The first step in using the Argumentation Sheet is for students to clearly state their own position or viewpoint on a given issue or topic. This might be a stance they've chosen themselves or one assigned by the teacher. The act of taking a position helps students clarify their own thoughts and beliefs about the subject.
  • Arguments: The strategy provides a framework for students to organize their arguments systematically. They are prompted to identify and list the main reasons and evidence supporting their position. This helps students structure their arguments coherently and persuasively.
  • Counter-Arguments: Effective argumentation involves anticipating and addressing counter-arguments. Students are encouraged to think critically about opposing viewpoints and list potential counter-arguments. This step promotes intellectual rigor and helps students preemptively address objections.
  • Opposing Arguments: This section is designed to help students anticipate and comprehensively list the arguments that opponents are likely to put forth. Students delve deeper into the mindset of those who hold contrary views on the given issue or topic.
  • Rebuttals: In debate or argumentative writing, the ability to effectively rebut opposing arguments is crucial. The Argumentation Sheet includes space for students to develop rebuttals—counter-arguments to the counter-arguments. This demonstrates a deeper understanding of the topic and an ability to engage in reasoned discourse.
  • Comment: This section is a valuable exercise in helping students organize their arguments with the use of connectors. They play a crucial role in structuring and linking different parts of an argument, especially when students are addressing multiple viewpoints, such as their own and those of opposing arguments. Students are encouraged to think critically about the logical flow of their arguments and how to effectively communicate their ideas.
By using the Argumentation Sheet, students learn not only how to formulate and present their own arguments effectively but also how to engage in civil and constructive discourse by acknowledging and addressing opposing viewpoints. This strategy cultivates critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to communicate persuasively—skills that are valuable both inside and outside the classroom.

For more information, read the "Support Argumentative Writing and Classroom Debate with Organizers " Reading Ways article.

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Taylor, K..; Lawrence, J.; Connor, C. & Snow, C. (2018). Cognitive and linguistic features of adolescent argumentative writing: Do connectives signal more complex reasoning? Reading and writing. doi:10.1007/s11145-018-9898-6
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