February 12, 2021
This page will clarify your rights and obligations associated with viewing, uploading, and downloading resources by summarizing parts of our Terms of Service Agreement (section V. LICENSING TERMS) and explaining our licensing system.
Why is this information important? Reading Ways's licenses covers both the uploading and downloading users' rights and obligations.
Written notices alerting Reading Ways of copyright infringements will be followed up on and may result in account termination.
You agree to: | ||
Attribute original creator and author | YES | YES |
Maintain, were present, the identifying symbols or branding | NO | YES |
You can: | ||
Distribute and share | YES | NO |
Display to YOUR students in classroom or PD sessions | YES | YES |
Adapt, remix, transform, or build upon | YES | YES |
Use commercially | NO | NO |
What are the similarities between the Premium and Standard license? Both the Premium and Standard license lets users adapt, remix, transform, or build upon the material, as long as they give attribution to the original creator. Neither Standard nor Premium licensed resources may be downloaded by users for commercial purposes. Users may display or show the material to others in an educational context or for an educational purpose. To display to others for educational purposes means that a teacher can, for example, print out a premium or standard licensed classroom resource to give to his students. An instructional coach may show a premium or standard licensed video to all participants in her professional development sessions.
What is the difference between the Premium and Standard license?
Our Standard license is our most accomodating license for downloading users. The User who uploads content gives other users a license to use, distribute, and adapt the content as long as they credit the original creator. We want our standard licensed resources to be accessible and help as many educators as possible achieve their educational goals.
The Premium license imposes stricter conditions and obligations on the downloading user. It is also the default uploading licensing. We spent considerable time developing our premium resources. Our premium resources will therefore only be available to our Premium members. Users are prohibited from distributing, sublicense to others, removing attribution and branding, or use premium licensed content commercially. Notwithstanding the above, you are welcome to adapt these resources and show or display them to others for educational purposes.